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Nā Maka Hāloa - 非営利団体 501(c)3

ハワイのパホアに本部を置く 501(c)3 組織である Nā Maka Hāloa は、Kuʻialuaopuna の財政スポンサーとしての役割を果たします。  2001 年に設立された Nā Maka Hāloa  は、ハワイのプナで先住民族の芸術と文化を支援する草の根組織です。私たちの使命は、文化教育が資源の持続可能性の重要な部分であるという信念と一致しています


Kuʻialuaopuna は、太平洋全体で先住民族の文化的伝統と芸術を促進するために前進しています。私たちは伝統的なパーまたはハラウであり、ルアとして知られるハワイ先住民の格闘技や、他の文化的伝統や慣行を私たちの人々に根付かせています。 -136bad5cf58d_




私書箱 10664

ハワイ州ヒロ 96721  マハロ、ご支援ありがとうございます。




Ana Kapukini Kon- Executive Director

Ana is the executive director of Nā Maka Hāloa o Waipi'o, and has been the driving force behind Na maka Haloa o waipi'o's  mission to promote cultural understanding through the cultural arts. With over 30 years of experience in  culture and education, Ana brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise and a driving passion to  our organization. 

Our Founder

Edward Kanahele  was a History professor at Hawaii Community College where he was able to tap into the young Hawaii youth coming into the college and inspire them to be great. 

He was active in the preservation of ancient burial grounds and remains for the iwi kūpuna. 

In 1990 he founded a group named "Hui Malama i Na Kupuna" which was established to protect remains and burial sites of Hawaiian ancestors.


This group was instrumental in getting the Smithsonian Institute to return the remains of 85 Hawaiians remains (bones) which had been kept for almost 100 years. 


In 1998, our founder Edward Kanahele thought to regenerate the practices of Ocean through Lawaiʻa, Land through Mahiʻai and the chants and dances through Hula. This has been the foundation for Nā Maka Hāloa and continues to hold a solid foundation for us now and into the future.   I Ola Hāloa!



寄付は、非営利団体である Nā Maka Hāloa が受け取ります 501(c)(3)


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